mwc ogo


This page is dedicated to our MWC veterans-longstanding members who have graduated on to shorter social walks and other outings all kindly arranged by Lizzie and Glynis.
Please note that this is NOT a valid entry point to Morley walking club-all our veterans are longstanding club members, previously keen walkers, some of them were even founder members- without them our club would not exist.

Veterans meet monthly for an outing, sometimes by coach,sometimes by bus and now and again in cars.
We’d love to have younger and more active members long sometimes either as helpers or merely to join in the fun.
Car drivers are particularly welcome to enable us to visit rural Yorkshire areas during the summer months.
If you wish to discuss this further please contact Lizzie Lowe.

Veterans Group Programme

Thursday September 26th Cannon Hall Morrisons Car Park Morley 10 am
Wednesday November 13th Selby CANCELLED
Thursday December 5th Castle Howard Morley Leisure Centre-book yourself with Blue Sky coach trips-meet at 8.20 am-prices from £45
Wednesday January 29th Golden Acre Park Morrisons Car Park Morley 10 am
Wednesday February 26th Roundhay Park Morrisons Car Park Morley 10 am

*The coach companies like us to be there 10mins before the pickup time so please check your booking confirmation for the pickup time and be there in good time Please contactLizzie if you want any further info.