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Silsden 4th July

A brilliant turn out for a medium walk described as moderate/strenuous and despite possible thunderstorms in the forecast. 21 intrepid walkers and 2 dogs took the picturesque, flat, first mile along the canal towpath from the centre of Silsden; and there the climbing began! Road, woodland, stream and ford crossings, grassy hills and up we went on to the open moor. All this time the sun was shining and the views were admired by all, whilst catching their breath at several pauses, with the promise of a long awaited coffee stop to come at Doubler Stones. Moving ever onwards and upwards we crossed the moor to arrive at the ridge on Ilkley Moor overlooking Addingham. Turning left, we made our way along the ridge to Nab End for lunch with the long downhill stretch towards Silsden in view. A slight diversion for Jill and Andy with their dogs to avoid a herd of cows with calves and we regrouped just in time for the promised thunderstorm. Waterproofs donned, we sheltered for a while until the rain eased then the soggy group of intrepid walkers resumed the now soggy trek back into Silsden. Over four hours of amazing Yorkshire scenery with a jolly bunch for company!

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Silsden 4th July

A brilliant turn out for a medium walk described as moderate/strenuous and despite possible thunderstorms in the forecast. 21 intrepid walkers and 2 dogs took the picturesque, flat, first mile along the canal towpath from the centre of Silsden; and there the climbing began! Road, woodland, stream and ford crossings, grassy hills and up we went on to the open moor. All this time the sun was shining and the views were admired by all, whilst catching their breath at several pauses, with the promise of a long awaited coffee stop to come at Doubler Stones. Moving ever onwards and upwards we crossed the moor to arrive at the ridge on Ilkley Moor overlooking Addingham. Turning left, we made our way along the ridge to Nab End for lunch with the long downhill stretch towards Silsden in view. A slight diversion for Jill and Andy with their dogs to avoid a herd of cows with calves and we regrouped just in time for the promised thunderstorm. Waterproofs donned, we sheltered for a while until the rain eased then the soggy group of intrepid walkers resumed the now soggy trek back into Silsden. Over four hours of amazing Yorkshire scenery with a jolly bunch for company!

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Silsden 4th July

A brilliant turn out for a medium walk described as moderate/strenuous and despite possible thunderstorms in the forecast. 21 intrepid walkers and 2 dogs took the picturesque, flat, first mile along the canal towpath from the centre of Silsden; and there the climbing began! Road, woodland, stream and ford crossings, grassy hills and up we went on to the open moor. All this time the sun was shining and the views were admired by all, whilst catching their breath at several pauses, with the promise of a long awaited coffee stop to come at Doubler Stones. Moving ever onwards and upwards we crossed the moor to arrive at the ridge on Ilkley Moor overlooking Addingham. Turning left, we made our way along the ridge to Nab End for lunch with the long downhill stretch towards Silsden in view. A slight diversion for Jill and Andy with their dogs to avoid a herd of cows with calves and we regrouped just in time for the promised thunderstorm. Waterproofs donned, we sheltered for a while until the rain eased then the soggy group of intrepid walkers resumed the now soggy trek back into Silsden. Over four hours of amazing Yorkshire scenery with a jolly bunch for company!