mwc ogo

Adventure Group

The Adventure Group was originally set up to organise weekend trips to destinations further afield than can be travelled for a day’s walking and primarily used youth hostel accommodation. With the virtual demise of the YHA and, let’s face it, few of us fall into the youth category and alternative accommodation being more expensive this type of trip is not proving as popular as in the past.

Angela has recently retired from running the adventure group and the post of organising the adventure group is currently vacant, so if you are interested in running this group please contact a member of the committee or our president to discuss.

In the meantime it has been suggested that we organise ad hoc adventure weekends in the same way as Lizzie and Tony do with their open invitation to others on breaks away that they have organised (details our social trips tab for their next one) -that is that those willing take a turn at hosting and choosing a location and accomodation for an adventure weekend,then advertising the break to other club members who could follow on by making their own bookings at the same place and date. Glynis started the ball rolling by organising a successful trip to the Peak District in July staying at the Dog and Partridge inn at Swinscoe.


The club is planning to trial some Adventure Walks over the summer months. At the moment these will not be on the walks programme, but plenty of notice will be given to all members. Hopefully the first one will go ahead late March.

Details of what is planned:

-The walks will take place on the 4th or 5th Sunday of the month.

-The start times will be earlier than the normal programme, estimated meeting between 7am & 8am depending on destination.

– Travel times to walk destinations will be longer, estimated journeys 1.5 to 2 hours.

– The earlier start will allow us to spread our wings a bit further than the regular programme to rarely visited areas.

– Most walks will be of Medium or Long grade.

– Anyone who wants to lead walks can do so, just shout out and help will always be given if required. Reccies will not be required, as to add to the Adventure (and improve our navigating skills).

So if you feel you could get out of bed a bit earlier and enjoy an adventurous walk, this could be for you. Please let Ian or Andy know if you are keen, so we can gauge the interest.
